Monday, January 12, 2009

Thing 10: Flickr (Week of 2/9)

This week's topic is Flickr.

Digital cameras have made it much easier for us to take lots and lots of photos! But many of us are bad at remembering to download them to a computer or share them with friends. New photo sharing sites make it easier to do both.

Here's a video on Online Photo Sharing in Plain English:

Flickr is the most popular of the photo sharing sites. As you can see, Flickr gives you a way to back up your photos, organize them, and share them.

This week's TechPlay Exercise:

1. Go to and search "LaGrange Library" Try it both with and without a space in the city name. Can you find our Flickr photos?

2. See how various libraries are using Flickr by checking out some of our neighbors:
3. Take a look at our own Flickr photos:

4. Post to your blog about today's exercise. Any suggestions for photos we should put on our Flickr account? Do you have digital photos of the library that you'd like to share?

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